Monday, September 14, 2009

More Information - Grave Concerns

On 10 September 2009, we had our follow-up visit with Dr. Sweetman. We quickly learned that things are not as good as we had hoped. After consulting with another specialist, Dr. Sweetman believes that while Logan's brain is normal, in that anatomically everything is in place, it is the brain of a 6-9 month old, not a 14 month old. Logan's brain is not developing as it should.

Worse case scenario: As Logan continues to grow, his brain will lag further and further behind and he will be severely developmentally delayed. Best case scenario: We can figure out why his brain is doing what it is doing, reverse or modify the course it is on and he might get away with a few learning disabilities. Dr. Sweetman is optimistic that he will do well. He is very social and is reaching developmental mile stones, just later than we would like.

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